Ticker: $VERTAI
Total supply: 100.000.000 $VERTAI
Blockchain: Ethereum
Tax: 4/4/0 *(Development, Server Fees, Infrastructure & Marketing)
Liquidity lock: 12 months
Official CA: 0xcdbddbdefb0ee3ef03a89afcd714aa4ef310d567
Distribution plan
Liquidity Pool
50,000,000 $VERTAI (50%) - Allocated to the liquidity pool to ensure smooth trading and liquidity provision. Locked for 12 months to maintain market stability and protect investors.
Strategic Sale (Seed)
20,000,000 $VERTAI (20%) - Reserved for strategic investors during the seed round. 40% of tokens will be unlocked at Token Generation Event (TGE), followed by a 10-day cliff and 60-day linear vesting.
The strategic sale price was raised at a valuation of $500K FDV MC. (as of: 01-11-2024)
Marketing & Listings:
15,000,000 $VERTAI (15%) - Allocated for marketing efforts and exchange listings. 25% of tokens will be unlocked at Token Generation Event (TGE), followed with a 6-month linear vesting to support long-term growth and visibility of the platform.
Research & Development
10,000,000 $VERTAI (10%) - Designated for research and development. This allocation will ensure continuous innovation and improvement of Vertical, with tokens vesting linearly over 6 months.
5,000,000 $VERTAI (5%) - Allocated to the Vertical team, with a 3-month cliff and 12-month linear vesting.
The $VERTAI tokenomics are designed to fuel Vertical’s growth and make it rewarding for everyone! With a focus on liquidity, strategic partnerships, and ongoing development, our token distribution brings early investors, the team, and the community together. We’ve added structured vesting for extra security, while funds for marketing and development keep the platform moving forward. Plus, holding $VERTAI comes with perks, like access to platform utilities and rewards for users and holders!
Last updated