Problems we solve
Lack of coding experience - Technical complexity of AI models
With our No-Code Studio, users will easily create, train, and fine-tune their models, while all the complex work happens in the background. Users simply focus on adding quality data, setting the right parameters to fine-tune their models and evaluate the outputs.
Lack of computing power - High costs of hardware and energy consumption
We will leverage decentralized computing power through a network of distributed GPUs, making processing more affordable and scalable. This approach will allow even smaller players to access significant computing power.
Complexity in adopting and monetizing AI models
With our marketplace, promoting and earning revenue from your models will be easy. Our platform will also make it simple to adopt these models and make them work wherever you need them.
Lack of insights and feedback on the performance of AI models
AI models can be difficult to understand due to their ‘black box’ nature. With our analytics, you will be able to gain clear insights into how your model works, making it easier to fine-tune. Plus, you’ll will have visibility into usage and earnings, helping you track its performance.
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